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Periodontal Treatment

Periodontal disease is the inflammation and infection of the gums and bones surrounding our teeth. Bacteria naturally reside in our mouths and multiply rapidly by feeding off food debris in our mouths. If twice-daily tooth brushing and daily flossing are missed, the bacteria build-up and release toxins that causes gum inflammation and eventually bone loss around the teeth.


Early-stage periodontal disease is known as gingivitis. This is when the gums are inflamed and often bleed on brushing and flossing. At this stage, the disease process can be halted and reversed with good home oral hygiene and regular cleaning.


Late-stage periodontal disease is known as periodontitis. This is when there is a loss of attachment between the teeth and gums and a loss of bone supporting the teeth. In advanced cases, this can cause tooth mobility, movement, and even tooth loss! At this stage, the disease progress can be halted with 3 monthly deep cleaning but the bone loss cannot be reversed.


Do not wait for pain, bleeding on brushing, swelling, and tooth mobility to arise! Book an appointment to get your teeth and gums checked and cleaned!

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