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Preventative Dentistry


Occlusal splints are custom-made night guards for clenchers and grinders, for patients who have a history of headaches, pain and soreness in the muscles or temporomandibular joints (TMJ), or for patients who have had a lot of dental work done.


Mouth Guards

Custom-made mouthguards are recommended for patients who participate in contact sports to protect their teeth.


Diet and Oral Hygiene

How does decay form?

Decay forms due to the interaction of bacteria with fermentable carbohydrates on the teeth over time. Excessive and frequent eating and drinking of fermentable carbohydrates promotes the proliferation of acid-producing and acid-resistant bacteria in the mouth. This results in the demineralization (minerals coming out of the tooth) of the tooth and repeated insults will lead to the breaking down of the tooth surface creating a cavity.
Other factors that can influence the decay process include oral hygiene, the use of fluoride or antibacterial products and the quantity and quality of saliva.


Diet recommendations

  1. Avoid grazing and sipping on drinks throughout the day! Try to have only 3 meals a day with just plain water between meals. Limit snacking between meals. It takes 30min for the pH in our mouth to return to normal levels, regular snacking prevents our teeth from having a break from acid attacks and for the bacteria to start creating cavities.

  2. Cut down on the amount and more importantly frequency of any fermentable carbohydrate intake. Limit sugary treats to meal times instead of between meals.

  3. Natural sugar is not any better than processed sugar for your teeth! The bacteria are unable to differentiate the type of sugar it is being fed. It is not only the obvious sugary food and drinks like lollies, chocolates, soft drinks, and energy drinks to be wary about. There are hidden sugars in foods such as biscuits, cereals, cakes, crackers, fruits, starchy foods, honey, and even dried fruits!

  4. Drink plenty of water. It is calorie-free and easily accessible! Tap water in most of Australia contains fluoride and sipping on water throughout the day is the easiest and most beneficial way to prevent decay.

  5. Chewing sugar-free gum for 20 minutes after eating stimulates saliva production which helps buffer the acid attacks that cause decay and helps clear food debris.


Oral Hygiene Recommendations

  1. Brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste for at least 2 minutes. Spit don’t rinse! This allows the toothpaste to act as a fluoride application.

  2. Once daily flossing with the addition of interdental brushes/cleaning aids or water floss as recommended by your dentist.

  3. Twice yearly dental check-ups and cleans

  4. Discuss with your dentist about the use of additional fluoride products if you are at high risk of decay.

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